
Laurie Goertzen

Laurie Goertzen is the pastor of our church.  He was raised on a farm north of Winnipeg, Manitoba.  Exposed to Biblical preaching from his earliest days, he came to understand that before the Holy God of Heaven, he was a sinner.  At a Billy Graham Evangelistic Crusade, God opened his heart to grasp the seriousness of sin as well as the sacrifice of Jesus.  It was there, after a clear explanation of John 3:16, that Christ saved him from the penalty of his sin when he was just a young boy.  A follow-up program through The Good News Club, that involved Bible study and Scripture memorization, made a significant spiritual impact on his life.

He met his wife Marjorie while attending Bible College, and the two were married in 1979.  The Lord blessed their lives with three sons.  Their sons and their wives and families love the Lord and are living for Him.

Northern Grace Bible Church extended an invitation to Laurie to be our pastor, and he officially took up that role in October 2022.

{Leader Name}

Integer viverra varius nulla, vitae luctus nulla semper sed. Integer quis quam sollicitudin, venenatis lorem a, molestie metus. Quisque a imperdiet enim. Aliquam lobortis posuere iaculis. Sed pharetra odio eleifend, interdum urna eleifend, suscipit tortor. Sed non leo nibh. Aliquam tortor metus, gravida sit amet facilisis sit amet, viverra et erat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque maximus leo libero, sit amet dictum turpis luctus eget. Pellentesque dictum felis et elementum ultricies. Aliquam consectetur, neque in condimentum aliquam, justo nulla viverra ipsum, eu venenatis est neque vitae nisi. Phasellus bibendum lacinia tortor sit amet sodales. Nunc vitae ipsum vel orci auctor lobortis. Sed ac sem eget justo dapibus mollis. Pellentesque id ante pellentesque, semper augue id, viverra orci.

Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.

Revelation 2:20