Welcome to
Northern Grace Bible Church
Northern Grace Bible Church
Location: 19244 Prespatou Rd.
Lords Day Worship Service: 10:30 am
Monday Adventure Club: 7:00 pm
Friday Bible Study/Prayer Meeting: 7:30 pm
Friday Generations of Grace: 7:30 pm
Latest Message
Our fervent desire and steadfast commitment is to be a church that exalts the Lord Jesus Christ.
We believe that the primary means of doing so is to preach the gospel of His grace and to live lives of glad obedience in response. Therefore, we are devoted to accurately preaching and teaching the Word of Christ, by rightly handling the Scriptures.
We believe without reservation that God has spoken in the Bible. The Bible is the Word of God. And as such, it is inerrant (without error), infallible (incapable of leading astray), and sufficient (all that is needed) for everything that we are called to do as individuals and as a body. The Bible speaks with the authority of God, and therefore we must submit to that authority.